Friday, May 3, 2013

Homosexuality and Literature

Hanna's lecture, be it interesting, was also a little disconcerting. At least, to me. She spoke about homosexuality in literature, primarily written by women. Although male writers were discussed, it was minimal and their take on gay relationships differed greatly than the "norm" coming from female authors.

First of all, one thing I noticed was that lesbian relationships weren't even discussed at all. The second thing I noticed was that these homosexual relationships were highly romanticized to the point of almost being fetishized. Based on both of these points, it looks like make homosexuality is praised bit that female homosexuality is forgotten about. This can be because it's seen as more "acceptable" for men to express their sexuality where women take the back burner. The fact that more women are writing these novels in a very romantic way also may be due to them attempting to express their sexuality through other men. It's a stereotypical thought that men don't devote enough time/energy/commitment to a relationship than women. So, by women writing two men in a relationship, it turns into somewhat of a fantasy. Not for the author or women in general, per se, but for what they hope men to be.